Home Caregiving Mediators for Seniors is a Growing Profession, but Hire Carefully

Mediators for Seniors is a Growing Profession, but Hire Carefully

by EG

There is a whole plethora of jobs being created that relate to our nation’s elder wave, so it’s little surprise that “Senior Mediators” have joined the ranks.

Got problems with Gramps not giving up the car keys?

Got issues with adult children thinking you can’t manage your finances?

Hire a senior mediator!

Or not, there are people that provide the service for free if you can find them. You can start by contacting your Area Agency on Aging through the Resources by State page. They may be able to connect you with someone at low or no cost. There is no problem with hiring someone to act as a mediator, but know that the industry is not regulated. Anyone can call themselves a mediator and advertise their services. I could advertise, you could advertise, George, Fred, Nancy or Mary. Just because someone calls themselves a senior mediator doesn’t mean anything, and while some may have mediation experience in one area, that doesn’t mean they’re well suited for elder issues.

Licensed Social Workers working in the field, particularly in long-term care, often have a lot of experience helping elders and family members find common ground. It’s amazing what sibling rivalries and family dynamics arise when mom, dad, grandma or grandpa needs help. These social workers have seen a lot, and helped families resolve their differences. It’s entirely likely you can find a social worker at a facility that would be willing to help. All you have to do is ask. Heck, if the problem isn’t overly involved, maybe I’ll even help for free!


But if your problems are complex, and you can’t find someone for free, or would just as soon hire someone, EldercareMediators.com is one place to look. The Association for Conflict Resolution is another.

Good luck resolving those issues – and remember – it always takes two to tango!

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