In case you missed it, following is a summary of pertinent news for professionals in aging services. Enjoy your weekend.
Benefits.gov, the official benefits website of the United States, launched a portal of resources for Native American, Alaskan Native, and tribal populations. The portal, Native One-Stop, provides information about the services that are available through the Federal government. Native One-Stop conveniently houses any service that these populations may need with topics ranging from assistance for populations with severe disabilities to congressional internships for Native Americans.
The National Institute of Health’s National Institute on Aging released a fact sheet on the genetics of Alzheimer’s disease. The fact sheet is intended for individuals who have a family member or members with Alzheimer’s disease.
The University of Michigan Institute of Gerentology released a project about case mix payment design for Home and Community Based Services as part of a grant from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The Primer is a design guide for state policy makers who are considering acuity-based resource allocation.
The Integrated Care Resource Center released a brief that offers tips for engaging providers in integrated care programs for Medicare-Medicaid enrollees. Integrated care programs are successful when a broad spectrum of providers are engaged in the process. This brief provides states with tips on how to engage physicians, hospitals, nursing facilities, and community-based service providers that serve Medicare and Medicaid enrollees. It also provides examples of different approaches from states that have launched integrated care programs.
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) awarded almost $5 million in grants to 13 states to advance the development of their “No Wrong Door” systems. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA) have an ongoing partnership that is supporting these grants. Eight of the states, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin, already have “No Wrong Door” systems in place and this funding will help them to advance their initiatives. The remaining five states, Alabama, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, and Virginia, are launching new initiatives. Each grantee is taking a different approach to the system in their state, which will help other states to find the best options for their populations of older adults and people with disabilities.
People arriving at the emergency room for a fall may be there due to an underlying infection rather than clumsiness, a new study suggests.
Infection-related falls usually affect older people but can happen to anyone, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital warn.
That’s it!