This is a complete list of where to find Indiana senior services, aging information, area agencies on aging, and related links.

Indiana has a total population of 6.7 million. While 16.1% of the state’s residents are over the age of 65, nearly a third are over the age of 50 and nearly 10% are over the age of 85. The state is younger overall than the United States, with a median age of 37.8 compared to the nation’s median age of 38.1.
Roughly one-third of Indiana’s seniors live in rural areas and about 3% of the over 60 population live in nursing homes. 40% of the state’s nursing home beds are rated four or five stars.
The median household income for Indiana residents over the age of 65 is about $40,000. 7.7% of the senior citizen population lives in poverty and 13% of those over the age of 60 experience food insecurity.
There are 28.6 geriatric providers for every 100,000 Indianans over the age of 65 and nearly 94% of the state’s seniors have a dedicated healthcare provider. 17.8% of seniors report being in frequent physical distress, but 4.7% of seniors overall still avoided seeking medical care because of concerns about the cost.
About one-fifth of Indiana’s entire population is enrolled in Medicare, with 83% of enrollees over the age of 65. This is slightly higher than the national average; across the country about 15% of Medicare enrollees are eligible due to disability rather than age compared to Indiana’s 17%.
Indiana has sixteen Area Agencies on Aging throughout the state. The statewide Area Agency on Aging network has existed since 1972 and offer a variety of resources and programs for Indiana’s seniors.
There are many elder services organizations and programs in Indiana – if you know where to look! Below, you’ll find links to Indiana’s Area Agencies on Aging as well as other organizations and resources that can offer supports, assistance, or connect you with the right program for your needs.
We try to keep these state resource pages as up to date as possible. If you find a broken link, please contact us to let us know. This helps us help others. Thank you!
Area Agencies on Aging
- Area 1 – Northwest Indiana Community Action – serving Lake, Porter, Newton, Jasper, Starke and Pulaski Counties
- Area 2 – REAL Services – serving Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaPorte, Marshall and St. Joseph Counties
- Area 3 – Aging & In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana – serving Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells and Whitley Counties
- Area 4 – Area IV Agency – serving Benton, Carroll, Clinton, Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Warren and White Counties
- Area 5 – Area 5 Agency on Aging & Community Services – serving Cass, Fulton, Howard, Miami, Tipton and Wabash Counties
- Area 6 – LifeStream Services – serving Blackford, Delaware, Grant, Henry, Jay, Madison and Randolph Counties
- Area 7 – West Central Indiana Economic Development District – serving Clay, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, Vermillion and Vigo Counties
- Area 8 – CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions – serving Boone, Hendricks, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Marion, Morgan and Shelby Counties
- Area 9 – In-Home & Community Services Agency – serving Fayette, Franklin, Rush, Union and Wayne Counties
- Area 10 – Area 10 Agency on Aging – serving Monroe and Owen Counties
- Area 11 – Aging & Community Services of South Central Indiana – serving Bartholomew, Brown, Decatur, Jackson and Jennings Counties
- Area 12 – LifeTime Resources – serving Dearborn, Jefferson, Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland Counties
- Area 13 – Generations – serving Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Knox, Martin and Pike Counties
- Area 14 – LifeSpan Resources – serving Clark, Floyd, Harrison and Scott Counties
- Area 15 – Hoosier Uplands – serving Crawford, Lawrence, Martin, Orange and Washington Counties
- Area 16 – Southwestern Indiana Regional Council on Aging – serving Gibson, Perry, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties
State Government
- Attorney General’s Office
- Division of Aging
- Family and Social Services Administration
- Long-Term Care Ombudsman – established in each state by the Older Americans Act to enhance the quality of life, improve care, protect rights, and promote the dignity of residents in a long-term care facility.
State Agencies and Non-Profits
- AARP of Indiana
- Alzheimer’s Association, Indiana Chapter
- Indiana University Center for Aging Research
- Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Legal Services
- Indiana Legal Services – for the low-income & elderly